Monday 24 February 2020

No Time to Die

It has been a long while.

Well, things are starting to look up. Many things happened between my last post and now, which is funny considering it's only been like 4 to 5 months, but it seems like a lifetime has passed.

I haven't posted here because even a reminder of work was bothering me. I decided to focus on myself, and it has not been an easy journey but overall it has made my life a whole lot easier - or so I'd like to think.

I considered quitting medicine, I really did. I was so close to doing it, too. But I surrounded myself with the right people and slowly pulled myself away from things that were perhaps a little too 'toxic' for me, and I managed to hold out on the actual action of quitting and settle for something that may perhaps be better for me in the long run.

I didn't see myself being here in particular when I started working. I did foresee it, apparently, as a medical student and I admit I am proud of how astute I can be sometimes. Then again, we are all egoistic and think we are above certain things in life until life slaps you in the arse and you fall into the muck and realize you are, after all, not below those things but rather under them, until you get back up and brush yourself, or rather hose yourself down, and are above it all again.

So that's what I'm doing. I am getting up, hosing the muck off of myself, and stepping away from the mucky area for a bit until I absolutely have to go through it again.

My parents are a bit hesitant, naturally, but my husband supports me wholeheartedly and so do my siblings. My in-laws may also be hesitant about it but they are polite enough to refrain from saying it outright to my face so far.


I guess I'll see you when I see you.
And all the best to your future endeavours too.

Always seek help when you need it. Nothing is too trivial. :)

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