Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Now Then...

Now that tagging period is almost here, I feel rather overwhelmed.

It doesn't help that all the staff we've seen are so nice and helpful. From the Hospital Director to the matrons and sisters to the staff who work in the hospital's linen/laundry place, I have never failed to see them greet us with warmth. Mind you there are exceptions, but those are understandable (e.g. when they're super busy working in the ward- or one whom I know really has difficulty cracking a single smile).

It also does't help that people said my to-be posting is one of the postings in this hospital with the most helpful staff... Okay, it helps a tiny bit.


I guess it's normal to feel overwhelmed and useless.

But what am I really doing about it?

Good bye, I should really start reading now!

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