Thursday 19 January 2017

Some Days

Some days,
it's enough for a fellow colleague to thank you and say they trust you.
That you can be relied upon.
That when you're in their shift, they feel less burdened.

Bosses aside,
we know each other (HOs) most.
We are the ones who have to cope with one another, we are our own support system.

So what if your bosses constantly pick on you?
If their advice is useful, then improve on that which you're lacking in.
If not, keep your chin high. Don't be rude, and if it's too horrendous, vent to the proper channels.

Your colleagues, your friends, will be there for you as long as you're not entirely useless.
Entirely useless pun colleagues mostly takkan abandon kan...
Sebab tak nak kerja diorang pun susah.
Rojak sikit.

Love yourself, reward yourself.
And sometimes, be a little more proud of your effort. But not too cocky, mind. It's a thin line to tread. What's important is that you realize there is no way on Earth or in this life in which you can please everyone. The majority is enough.

Your intentions, your niat- set them right. God willing, everything else will follow through splendidly.

And study lah homework2 yang diberi MO/Boss, kalau tak saja cari nahas hahaha!

Tuesday 17 January 2017

2017 and I'm Still Fightin'

So when a boss from a former department says "Ah, the most famous *Insert your full name here*~", do you:

A) Assume that you're loved
B) Assume that you're notorious
C) Assume that you're weird
D) Assume that you're reliable

E) Do not assume anything and just think of the boss as being friendly


Answers please, I need answers!

Thanks, boss. You're also most famous for being super cute (and moody, but when you're not super busy you're mostly cute) :)


Also, doing periphery is making me feel quite some weird feelings.
Tired, and easily walking over 10000 steps per day now as I walk up and down stairs and around the hospital multiple times at least until noon.
But good thing I'm leaving my main ward a lot, because man, it's getting a little too stifling.

But then I also binge eat like mad almost every opportunity I get. Not necessarily because of periphery work, but because of the stress this posting is inducing on me.


We are critically low on HOs and the ward is constantly almost full and it is so stressful when your bosses do not understand and are constantly undermining your work for the silliest things, the tiniest mistakes. Even if it's not directly your fault, you feel the heat; the blame is directed, inadvertently, on all HOs for being so darned incompetent or whatever (even if those constantly receiving the complaints are usually the same one or two people).

Because, you know, we don't have people who are above us and supposed to supervise us, presumably.
We're just supposed to supervise one another. Crabs teaching their crablings to walk straight lah.

Step 1: Do not supervise your underlings
Step 2: Underlings make mistakes
Step 3: Complain that underlings are rookies and unreliable
Step 4: ????????
Step 5: PROFIT

*Laughs* Sorry, sorry.
I'll stop stabbing at my bosses now.

Bosses, I love you.
It's just, you know,
hard to love you guys when you keep picking on tiny mistakes
and dramatizing
and not praising us when we do work properly *pffffrrtt*
because like you said,
we're all manja
not like you guys when you were HOs, definitely.
Because you guys were simply excellent and perfect.

Haha I just stabbed my bosses again.

You see why I'm anonymous? Geez.
*Laughs maniacally again*



the least reliable HO ever.
(Who's probably notorious and doesn't know it herself)