Thursday, 16 February 2017

Dear Various Staff of my Current Department...

Dear Specialists,

you don't function as our guardians.
You think you do, but you fail miserably.

Dear MOs,

screw you too.
And for those to whom this applies, love you too. Like, 2 of you.

Dear Nurses,

thank you for being our gossip partners.
Sorry for semi-snapping at you when things don't get done.
Thanks for the CODs.

Dear PPKs,

I know you are underpaid, but so am I.
Please stop taking so many breaks if your work isn't done.
Stop making me do your job.

Dear HOs,

... hang in there.
This too shall pass.

(And I am not liable for what I say when I'm so emotionally disturbed),

A Highly Upset Cockroach aka HO.

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